San Souci Turtle Watch & Surfing Resort

  • Overview
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  • Location








San Souci Turtle Watch & Surfing Resort is situated on the hilltop over looking two popular beaches – viz Big Bay and Reef Break.

The guesthouse can be accessed via the Paria Main Road travelling west from Toco to the village of San Souci and is positioned to offer our visitors/guest prime attractions throughout the year.

Events/Activities around the property:

  • Turtle watch – March to September:

The popular, but endangered leatherback turtle and four other species choose Big Bay as their annual nesting                site.  Viewing the spectacle of this giant (1500lbs/12 foot) turtle using its large flippers to inch its way unto the              beach, carving out a large basin in the sand, laying over 100 eggs and tedious journey back to the ocean.                         Within  4 to 5 days another spectacle of hundreds of hatchings shuttle on their journey into the ocean.

Turtle watch guides play an extremely important role in the protection of the adults and their hatchlings from               predators- both human and animals.

  • Surfing/Riding the waves – November to March:

During this period, the powerful North Atlantic storms produce swells (waves) averaging 4 ft to 6ft providing                an ideal occasion for the sport.  A regular short surf board/rubber surf matt/belly board are suitable fixtures.                Many residents of the village are avid surfers and are positioned at our resort to provide the basics in the sport .

  • Swimming – May to September:

This is the ideal period for comfortable swimming occurring when the North Atlantic currents are at their                      weakest.

  • Bird/Butterfly enthusiasts:

San Souci Turtle Watch & Surfing Resort is surrounded by dense tropical forest and provides an ideal habitat                for birds and butterflies.  Birds in particular have an auditory display of vocal sounds which identify their                      species.  Bird watching is a hobby which requires binoculars, a camera and the assistance of local field                            guides from the village.

Location:  San Souci Bay, Toco


Contact person: Anand Ramoutar & Charles Ford




Telephone/What’s App: 1-868-733-8510/665-4416/310-1510




The Small Tourism Accommodation Owners of Trinidad and Tobago (STAOTT) wishes to advise that it has taken every reasonable precaution to ascertain that all properties (Bed and Breakfast and Self-catering facilities) which are included in this Website provide services in accordance with reputable practices. In no event, shall STAOTT, its Directors, Executive Committee or members be liable hereunder for any damages or compensation whatsoever.



  • Cable television
  • Laundry Facilities
  • Swimming pool
  • Wireless internet access

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